Color is the thing! Taking a new lens to the natural scenery of the area I have come up with my various categories that I enjoy painting. My Coastal Colors collection is primarily in oil and is a classic landscape style using contemporary colors. The Escape to the Mountains group was born out of the suffocation I felt during the pandemic when we were relegated to our homes and unable to breathe freely. Dazzling lakes and crisp colors and flying clouds are shown in these pieces. The beauty of downtown Greenville in all its seasonal tones features a favorite subject for tourists and locals alike. Liberty Bridge and Falls Park are a staple in my group of urban settings. Lively and modern art for all tastes make these collections very ‘ownable’ and collectible. I have pieces in the County Bank Collection of Art, and medical facilities in Greenville, where peaceful scenes entertain folks in the waiting rooms.
My background as a Canadian painter often shows up in the styles reminiscent of The Group of Seven artists, and my love of the southern coast, it’s flora and fauna combine to make interesting artwork. I briefly studied art and art history in Canada but consider myself a student of the dynamic modern Canadian painters.
I have been painting casually for decades, but in the last ten years have dedicated myself to art as a career.

Oils and acrylics
Gerri Green
Contact me:
Text: 864-325-4239
Instagram: @ggreenpaints
Facebook: Gerri Green Art